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Jeff Rule: "I have to tell you I am really impressed. I have never had a software company turn around a bug fix like this so fast. I have been doing database work for over 20 years and that has never happened.".
Ilakshi Rathod : "This tool is just wonderful. I have never seen any tool for DB2. This tool provides very good features which helps in ease us work as well as quick resolution of any errors.".


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DB2 Family news

Aug 24, 2010
PHP Generators are updated to version 10.8
New version features the Inline Edit mode, support for RSS feeds, page-level permissions, event handling extensions and a lot of other improvements.
Jul 19, 2010
A new article on PHP Generator has been published
The article provides you with a step-by-step explanation of how to create a master-detail presentation for a many-to-many relationship with PHP Generator.
Mar 29, 2010
PHP Generators are advanced to version 10.3
Autocomplete and WYSIWYG editors, nested master-detail presentations, support for right-to-left languages, project-level events and a lot of other new features.
Feb 8, 2010
Code Factory product family updated to version 10.2
Completely redesigned Visual Query Builder, new Data Import and Data Export wizards, support for the SSH-2 protocol, updated Data Grids, Italian translation, and more.
Dec 15, 2009
PHP Generator family updated to version 9.12
PHP Generators now come with support for updatable queries, master-detail presentations, display partitioning, event-driven content management, and dozens of other new features. Freeware versions are still available!
Dec 1, 2009
Data Wizard product family advanced to version 9.12
Completely redesigned Data Import and Data Export wizards, support for the SSH-2 protocol, Italian translation, and more.
Dec 15, 2008
DB2 Maestro 8.12 released
New version features significantly improved Visual Query Builder, master-detail data views, lookup editors and more.
Jul 10, 2008
Code Factories advanced to version 8.7
Unicode support, HTTP tunneling, Code Formatter, SQL Generator and other useful things. There are versions for all the supported DBMS (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc).
Apr 30, 2008
Start of DB2 tools family
We are pleased to introduce the new tools family and its products: DB2 Maestro, DB2 Data Wizard, and DB2 Code Factory.
Sep 1, 2005
New Version Format
We consider it necessary to inform you that the format of product release versions has been formalized.
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