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Create Sequence Wizard

Sequences may be created with Create Sequence Wizard. Just specify the wizard options according to your needs.


The basic principles of Create Object Wizards in DB2 Maestro are covered by the corresponding topic. See below to find the description of wizard steps that are unique to the current object.



The field allows you to specify the new sequence name being set on the previous wizard step.



Defines the owner of the new sequence.Start Value

Specify the starting sequence value here. The default starting value is minvalue for ascending sequences and maxvalue for descending ones.


Increment by        

Specify which value is added to the current sequence value to create a new value. A positive value will make an ascending sequence, a negative one a descending sequence. The default value is 1.


Maximum Value

Determine the maximum value for the sequence. If this clause is not supplied or NO MAXVALUE is specified, then default values will be used. The defaults are 2^63-1 and -1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.


Minimum Value

Determine the minimum value a sequence can generate. If this clause is not supplied or NO MINVALUE is specified, then defaults will be used. The defaults are 1 and -263-1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.


Cashe size

Specify how many sequence numbers are to be preallocated and stored in memory for faster access. The minimum value is 1 (only one value can be generated at a time, i.e., no cache), and this is also the default.



Specify the option to guarantee that sequence numbers are generated in order of request. This clause is useful if you are using the sequence numbers as timestamps. Guaranteeing order is usually not important for sequences used to generate primary keys.




The CYCLE option allows the sequence to wrap around when the maxvalue or minvalue has been reached by an ascending or descending sequence respectively. If the limit is reached, the next number generated will be the minvalue or maxvalue, respectively.


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