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Renaud Lepage: "I was searching for a powerful server management as well as data management application, that could also have the ability to use stored procedures (MySQL5). I was using many separate apps. And then I stumbled upon this application. It just got better. With ease-of-use, powerful management, a very good level of customization, great MySQL server management and the very lushed graphical interface, MySQL Maestro is a product to consider seriously. I chose MySQL and this, to SQL Server 2000 and the MMC-integrated server management, for use in a programming course. I'm telling you, MySQL Maestro is a very powerful tool. Try it, you won't regret it".
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SQL Maestro Group / News / PHP Generator released

PHP Generator released

May 8, 2018

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PHP Generator

SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce a release of PHP Generator, a GUI frontend that allows you to build high-quality and feature-rich data-driven web applications for your database in minutes. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

Please find below a detailed description of the most interesting features added in this version. Other new features, corrections, and fixes can be found in the Changelog.

  • A possibility of adding pre-defined options for quick record selection has been added (for example, you can select all countries from Europe or all completed projects in two mouse clicks).
    Selection filtersPicture 1. Selection filters
    To specify such options, use the new OnGetSelectionFilters event.

    Code sample (click to show/hide)

    Listing 1. OnGetSelectionFilters event handler example
    $result = array(
        'Completed' => new FilterCondition(
        'Uncompleted' => new FilterCondition(
        'Important & In progress' => new FilterGroup(FilterGroupOperator::OPERATOR_AND,
                new FilterCondition($columns['priority'],
                        FilterConditionOperator::EQUALS, array('Important')),
                new FilterCondition($columns['state'],
                        FilterConditionOperator::EQUALS, array('In progress'))

  • "Show selected only", "Show unselected only", and "Show all" commands have been added to the selection management button's drop-down menu.
    New selection management commandsPicture 2. Selection filters
  • From now on it is possible to generate thumbnails on uploading multiple images. To enable thumbnail generation and specify the thumbnail properties, specify the corresponding options in the multi upload settings.
    Multiple upload settingsPicture 3. Multiple upload settings
  • Image upload control has been improved. Now it uses File API from HTML 5 that allows to always display "actual" images even if an image has not been uploaded to the webserver yet.
    Improved image upload controlPicture 4. Improved image upload control
  • Two new options have been added to Page Properties, Project Options and Application Options dialogs.
    • The "Reload page after Ajax operations" option allows you to reload the page after Modal and Inline editing/inserting as well as after deleting the record(s).
    • A possibility of choosing the placement for error messages in data input forms has been added. Possible values are "Below the form" (default), "Above the form", and "Below and above the form".
    Newly added optionsPicture 5. Newly added options
  • From now on it is possible to choose whether all or none fields are selected when the multi-edit command is executed.
    Multi-edit settingsPicture 6. Multi-edit settings

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