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SQL Maestro Group / News / Firebird Maestro 14.1 released

Firebird Maestro 14.1 released

Jan 3, 2014

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Firebird Maestro 14.1, a powerful Windows GUI solution for Firebird administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

New features:

  • This version of the software has been successfully tested with all the modern Firebird versions up to Firebird 3.0 Alpha 1 (the latest version available at the moment). We have also implemented support for some Firebird 3.0 new features:
    • Support for the Boolean datatype has been implemented. The values of this data type are represented in the data grids as checkboxes.

      Support for the Boolean datatypePicture 1. Support for the Boolean datatype

    • Support for identity columns has been added. Values of such columns are set automatically when the column is omitted in an INSERT statement.
    • Starting from this version Firebird Maestro generates ALTER commands for changing column/domain nullability (instead of direct modification of system tables).
  • Support for keyboard interactive SSH authentication has been implemented. This method provides for a multiple challenge-response dialog with the user in which the server sends a text query to the user, the user types in a response, and this process can repeat any number of times to ensure that the client is a human.

    SSH Options: keyboard interactive authenticationPicture 2. SSH Options: keyboard interactive authentication

  • Get SQL Dump wizard has been significantly updated:
    • Now it is possible to rename output columns in the result SQL script. To set a new target column name, enter a value to the Target column in the grid at the first step of the wizard.
    • You can also change the order of output columns using the appropriate commands of the popup menu or Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcuts.

      SQL Dump: target column orderPicture 3. SQL Dump: target column order

    • Starting with this version it is possible to specify the SQL syntax the result script to be written on. This feature allows you to restore the dump contents to a table in a different database server such as MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.

      SQL Dump: setting SQL syntaxPicture 4. SQL Dump: setting SQL syntax

  • Nullable Column Checker has been implemented. This feature allows you to refactor your database schema by enforcing omitted NOT NULL constraints. It is useful, for example, if you have got a legacy schema with a lot of columns allowing NULL values and plenty of data. To invoke the wizard, use the appropriate link in the Generate SQL section of the table popup menu at the Explorer tree.

    Nullable Column CheckerPicture 5. Nullable Column Checker

  • SQL Editor: starting from this version you can copy the selected text from any editor to Clipboard as a ready-to-use string written in one of the following programming languages: C#, C++, Delphi (Object Pascal), and Java. This feature is accessible in the Export section of the editor area popup menu.

    SQL Editor: copy selected text as a string written in programming languagePicture 6. SQL Editor: copy selected text as a string written in programming language

  • Data Import features:
    • Starting with this version it's possible to import data from several files at a time. To import data from multiple files with the same structure, set the mask of the file names to the corresponding field. To see the list of matching files, use with the button on the right.

      Import data from multiple filesPicture 7. Import data from multiple files

    • The Column Builder for text files with fixed column width has been redesigned. Now to set the correspondence between table columns and areas of a text file, you can either input offset and width for each column directly into the controls, or define these values by clicking the left mouse button in the right area of the tool.

      Column BuilderPicture 8. Column Builder for text files with fixed column width

    • Now it's possible to add current timestamp to the log file name using the %ts:TIMESTAMP_FORMAT% string template. Examples of valid datetime formats are: 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS', and so on.
    • Now each time you start the wizard to import data to a table it stores all the options as them were set on the previous session of working with this table.
  • Data Export: Support for Json file format has been implemented.

    Data Export to JSONPicture 9. Data Export to JSON

  • Hints for domains now include the name of the underlying data type.

    Domain's hintPicture 10. Domain's hint

  • Data Grid: the headers of required columns are marked with a red asterisk.

    Data Grid: required columnPicture 11. Data Grid: required column

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

Related links:

Firebird Maestro home page
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