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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / SQLite_6_2_release

SQLite Maestro 6.7 released

Jul 10, 2006

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A new version of SQLite Maestro, a powerful Windows GUI solution for SQLite server administration and database development, has been released.

Please consider the list of all new features implemented in SQLite Maestro 6.7:

Server management extensions:

  • added support of Check constraints (SQLite 3.3);

  • improved Index Editor: implemented index sort ordering and index collating sequence (SQLite 3.3);

Interface improvements:

  • SQL Editor  improvements: now you can execute each query in a separate thread in order to continue your work with the software while the query is executing;

  • SQLite Maestro wizards' windows are resizable now for more usability;

  • Now the server version can be viewed from the tool tip of the database node;

  • added an ability to edit object properties directly from the explorer tree without opening the object editor; it helps you to make your work with your SQLite database objects faster;

  • added an ability to rename an object directly from the explorer tree without opening its editor;

  • added more key shortcuts: a new query can be created in SQL Editor using the Ctrl+N shortcut and deleted using the Ctrl+R shortcut.

In addition to this, several bugs were fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections were made.

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