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Johnson Sieu: "Your PHP Generator is the BEST that I have used so far. It is affordable and user-friendly. Congratulation for coming up with such a fine product. I will not hesitate to introduce it to my peers".
Daryl Joubert: "I am evaluating your PostgreSQL Maestro product for purchase by my company and thus far I am very impressed! I really like the easy, intuitive and productive user interface and feature set. I am also evaluating a number of other products for PostgreSQL database design and maintenence but thus far SQLMaestro stands head and shoulders above the rest".
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List of websites created with PHP Generator has been published
Jun 3, 2013
We have found some active web applications created with PHP Generator. The list contains various websites such as commercial and educational sites, sport portals and even the website of a pigeon fanciers club.
To see the examples of usage of PHP Generators worldwide, follow the link.