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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PostgreSQL Maestro 9.5 released

PostgreSQL Maestro 9.5 released

May 27, 2009

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PostgreSQL Maestro 9.5, a powerful Windows GUI solution for PostgreSQL administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since last official release:

Server management extensions:

  • This version has been successfully tested with PostgreSQL 8.4 beta 2 (the latest PostgreSQL version available at the moment). Also we have added support for some PostgreSQL 8.4 new features such as default values for function parameters, window functions, and functions returning table.

  • Get SQL Dump: abilities to generate multi-row INSERT statements and specify output file encoding have been implemented.

  • Field Editor: now it is possible to pick some predefined default values such as CURRENT_USER for VARCHAR columns or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP columns from the list instead of entering them manually.

Interface improvements:

  • Data Import wizard has been updated:

    • Now you can import data from Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office Access 2007 file formats along with Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003, Microsoft Office Access, CSV, DBF, and Text files supported in the previous versions.

    • Starting with this version you can import Text and CSV data files stored in different encodings.

    • Now it is possible to empty the target table as well as execute custom SQL scripts before and after import.

    • The wizard has been completely redesigned to improve the look and feel and increase the usability.

  • BLOB Viewer: Unicode support has been added to the Non-BLOB data grid.

    BLOB Viewer

  • Data grid: now you can fix grid columns to view them permanently when working with other grid data. To fix a column, choose the corresponding item from the grid's header popup menu.

    Data grid

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

Related links:

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