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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PostgreSQL Maestro 21.12 released

PostgreSQL Maestro 21.12 released

Dec 15, 2021

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PostgreSQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PostgreSQL Maestro 21.12, a powerful Windows GUI solution for PostgreSQL administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

New feature highlights:

  • This version of the software has been successfully tested with all database server versions up to PostgreSQL 14.
  • Support for the new multirange data types has been added (PostgreSQL 14). These data types store lists of the appropriate ranges.
    Adding a datemultirange columnPicture 1. Adding a datemultirange column
    Data Grid: datemultirange columnPicture 2. Data Grid: datemultirange column
  • Support for SSL connections has been added. SSL connections allow to encrypt client/server communications for increased security. Click the "SSL options" link in Create Database Profiles or Edit Database Profile windows
    Create Database Profile Wizard: SSL options linkPicture 3. Create Database Profile Wizard: SSL options link
    and configure SSL in the modal window.
    SSL optionsPicture 4. SSL options
  • A new more efficient Table Partition Management mechanism has been implemented. In previous versions partitions were fetched and displayed in the explorer tree in the Tables list along with regular tables. For databases with a large number of partitions and subpartitions such list is very difficult to manage.
    Database Explorer: partitions are displayed along with regular tablesPicture 5. Database Explorer: partitions are displayed along with regular tables
    From now on it is possible to optimize this process. The new 'Optimize table partition management' option allows to manage partitions/subpartitions in the Partitions list of their parent tables. This hierarchical representation makes the partition management more visible and easy to use. Moreover, partitions are fetched on demand which significantly speeds up the Tables list refresh.
    Optimize table partition management optionPicture 6. Optimize table partition management option
    Database Explorer: partitions/subpartitions are displayed in the Partitions list of their parent tablePicture 7. Database Explorer: partitions/subpartitions are displayed in the Partitions list of their parent table
    An ability to specify partitioning for a newly created partition has been added.
    Partition creation editorPicture 8. Partition creation editor Partition create scriptPicture 9. Partition create script
  • All software of our PostgreSQL family have been upgraded and come now with PostgreSQL 14 compatibility.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

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