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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PostgreSQL Maestro 15.4 released

PostgreSQL Maestro 15.4 released

Apr 2, 2015

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PostgreSQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PostgreSQL Maestro 15.4, a powerful Windows GUI solution for PostgreSQL administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

Server management extensions

  • Tablespace Editor now provides the "Objects" tab to display all the tables, indexes, and materialized views that belong to the tablespace.
    Tablespace EditorPicture 1. Tablespace Editor
  • SQL Formatter has been significantly improved. Now it supports WITH queries (Common Table Expressions), queries containing the RETURNING clause as well as queries containing LATERAL JOINs.
    SQL Formatter: beautified WITH queryPicture 2. SQL Formatter: beautified WITH query
  • From now it becomes possible to add new values to existing ENUM types.
  • For PostgreSQL 9.4 the ALTER SYSTEM statement is generated on changing the value of a server variable.

Interface improvements

  • From now on it becomes possible to execute custom SQL scripts in all database connections established by the software.
    Custom SQL scripts settingsPicture 3. Custom SQL scripts settings
  • Support for a number of new encryption algorithms has been added to Data Grid. Now it is possibleto encrypt the value of a text column, for example, by SHA512 or Haval224 algorithm with a couple of mouse clicks.
    Data encryptionPicture 4. Data encryption
  • Starting from this version it is possible to select a tab color for windows that belong to a certain database. This could help you to distinguish windows with the same caption but a different parent database (such as SQL Editor) with ease. The color can be specified at the Options tab in the Database Profile Properties dialog.
    Colored tabsPicture 5. Colored tabs
    For the same purpose tab hints now include the profile name.
    Tab hintsPicture 6. Tab hints
  • Data Export: from now on it becomes possible to specify caption, width, and alignment for output columns (when applicable).
    Data Export: customizing output columnsPicture 7. Data Export: customizing output columns
    Also it becomes possible to add current timestamp to the output file name.
    Data Export: adding current timestamp to output file namePicture 8. Data Export: adding current timestamp to output file name
  • Data Import: starting from this version it is possible to import empty values as empty strings (while previous versions always imported such values as NULLs).
    Data Import: working with empty valuesPicture 9. Data Import: working with empty values
  • Data Input Form: controls containing values of primary and foreign key columns are now marked with the 'gold key' and 'silver key' images accordingly. Controls containing values of required (NOT NULL) columns are marked with a red asterisk.
    Data Input Form: marking important controlsPicture 10. Data Input Form: marking important controls

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

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