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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PostgreSQL Maestro 11.8 released

PostgreSQL Maestro 11.8 released

Aug 29, 2011

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of PostgreSQL Maestro 11.8, a powerful Windows GUI solution for PostgreSQL administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

Server management extensions

  • This version of the software has been successfully tested with PostgreSQL 9.1 RC1. We also implemented support for INSTEAD OF triggers on views implemented in that version.
  • The Split Table Wizard has been implemented. This feature allows you to refactor your database schema vertically splitting an existing table into two tables that is useful, for example, if you need to enforce referential integrity on a set of columns. Generated SQL scripts will modify the primary table, create a secondary table with a primary key from shared columns (i.e. columns that exist in both primary and secondary tables), and then transfer data from the primary table to the secondary one without duplicating of data. To invoke the wizard, use the popup menu of the corresponding node at the Explorer tree or the Main Menu | Object | Split Table menu item.
  • Support for variadic parameters has been implemented (PostgreSQL 8.4+). Such parameters allow you to write a function with an indefinite number of argumets, as long as they are all the same data type.

    Parameter Editor: variadic parameterPicture 1. Parameter Editor: variadic parameter

  • Now it's allowed to generate updatable views for your tables automatically. Moreover, the Insert, Update, and Delete operations can be enabled or disabled at your choice. It is possible to create a view for a single table or for several tables at once (even for all the tables in the database). To accomplish these tasks, use the popup menu of the corresponding node at the Explorer tree and the Main Menu | Object | Generate updatable views accordingly.

    Updatable views generationPicture 2. Updatable views generation

Interface improvements:

  • Now the application allows you to use Code snippets, segments of reusable code that you can copy into the editor. The feature is available from SQL Editor, SQL Script Editor, and editors of objects containing SQL bodies (such as views, triggers, etc.) with the corresponding item of the popup menu or with Ctrl+J shortcut.

    Working with code snippetsPicture 3. Working with code snippets

  • Table Editor: Another way of index creating has been implemented. Now you can create a new index directly from the Fields tab of the table editor. To add an index, select column(s) the new index to consist of and use the Create index on columns... command.

    Creating a new indexPicture 4. Creating a new index

  • Data Import: starting with this version it becomes possible to import data from any database accessible via an ODBC driver or OLE DB provider, such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL, etc. Let's look through some details of the new feature:
    • To import data in this way, you have to specify a connection string and select appropriate identifier quote characters to escape improper symbols and blanks in object names according to the source database (for example, double quotes for Oracle and PostgreSQL, backticks for MySQL, or square brackets for SQL Server and MS Access).

      Connecting to ODBC data sourcePicture 5. Data Import: connecting to an ODBC data source

    • Another thing to note is that this kind of import completely supports BLOBs (if they are supported by the ODBC driver / OLE DB provider used).
    • Now each time you start the wizard to import data to a table it stores all the options as them were set on the previous session of working with this table.
  • The Execute at cursor command has been added to SQL Editor (available in the Navigation bar or with Ctrl+F9 shortcut). Use this command to execute statements the cursor is over without selecting them.
  • Database Designer features:
    • Now you can view all columns included in a foreign key by selecting the relation based on the foreign key.

      DB diagram: foreign key columnsPicture 6. DB diagram: highlighting of columns included in the selected foreign key

    • All print options are now preserved between sessions.
  • BLOB Viewer: starting with this version it's possible to view or edit BLOB data as PDF document.

    BLOB Viewer: representing data as PDF documentPicture 7. BLOB Viewer: representing data as PDF document

  • Prepared database reports now run fine on UNIX systems.
  • Table Editor Options: starting with this version it's possible to allow the application to open details at the Data tab automatically.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

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