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Qian Dong: "Although I evaluated Oracle Maestro for only a couple of days, I must say I like what I saw in this product. I am going to place an order for this product.

Thank you for the good work".
Marco De Luca: "I can handle now both version of SQLite Databases, 2.x and 3.x. Your SQLite PHP Generator is among the best tools I have seen".


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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PHP Generators released

PHP Generators released

Jun 23, 2017

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PHP Generator

SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce a release of PHP Generator, a GUI frontend that allows you to build high-quality and feature-rich data-driven web applications for your database in minutes. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

Please find below a detailed description of the most interesting features added in this version. Other new features, corrections, and fixes can be found in the Changelog.

  • Column Filter has been optimized. Now filtering options are loaded from the database only when/if a user presses the filter button. Due to this improvement, the initial page loading time is significantly reduced.
    Column Filter in actionPicture 1. Column Filter in action
    By default only first 20 options are loaded from the database. This value can be customized in the List group of Page Editor.
    Column Filter PropertiesPicture 2. Column Filter Properties
  • Support for custom password encryption has been added. All you need to use this functionality is to provide two functions in PHP for encrypting and verifying the passwords accordingly. This allows you to use any encryption algorithm API or library you like.
    Custom Password EncryptionPicture 3. Custom Password Encryption
  • Support for Inactivity Timeout has been implemented. The value of this option defines the maximum amount of time (in seconds) after that a user is automatically logged out from the application if he/she does not perform any action during this period.
    Inactivity Timeout MessagePicture 4. Inactivity Timeout Message
  • A new event editor has been implemented. Now you can edit all server-side (or client-side) event handlers in a single window that should simplify such operations as copy / paste code between different event handlers.
    New Event EditorPicture 5. New Event Editor
    When you click a button in the event grid, the editor is opened at the corresponding tab. To edit another edit handler, just click its tab within the editor. Tabs that correspond non-empty event handlers are displayed in bold.
  • OnGetCustomExportOptions event: it is now possible to customize the page size for export to PDF.
  • OnBeforeLogout event has been added. The event fires just before a user logged out from the application by pressing the Logout button or when the inactivity timeout is reached.
  • The "Offline mode" option has been added to the Project settings. Turn this option ON for websites running on web servers without an Internet connection.
    Offline mode optionPicture 6. Offline mode option
    Note that when this option is checked, you will not be able to use charts and embedded videos in your application.
  • Number of lookup values displayed in AutoComplete and Multi-level Autocomplete editors can now be customized.
    AutoComplete Editor PropertiesPicture 7. AutoComplete Editor Properties

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