Company news
Jun 12, 2006
MS SQL Maestro 6.6 releasedThe main features of new version are multi-threaded query execution and Foreign key references.
Jun 9, 2006
PostgreSQL Maestro 6.6 releasedSupport of the possibility to disable/enable a trigger implemented in PostgreSQL 8.1 is added in this version. PostgreSQL Maestro possesses now a new Object Browser to simplify database object management.
Jun 9, 2006
SQLite Maestro 6.6 releasedThis version of our software includes Object Browser - a new tool with additional features to operate on database objects.
May 20, 2006
First public release of MS SQL Data WizardSQL Maestro Team gladly announces the release of MS SQL Data Wizard, a powerful utility for managing your Microsoft SQL data. This is a starting point for our Microsoft® SQL Server™ Administration tools family.
May 20, 2006
First public release of Firebird Data WizardWe are glad to inform you about Firebird Data Wizard release. This modern data manager has lain a foundation of our new Administration Tools Family for Firebird.
May 18, 2006
First public release of PostgreSQL MaestroSQL Maestro Team is happy to present a new product of PostgreSQL Administration Tools Family - PostgreSQL Maestro, a powerful solution for PostgreSQL server administration and development.
May 18, 2006
First public release of SQLite MaestroWe are happy to present the new product of SQLite Administration Tools Family - SQLite Maestro, a powerful solution for the SQLite server administration and development.
May 10, 2006
First public release of Firebird MaestroWe gladly announce the release of Firebird Maestro - a powerful solution for the Firebird server administration and development.
May 10, 2006
First public release of MS SQL MaestroA new product by SQL Maestro Group released. MS SQL Maestro 6.5 promises to be one of the most convenient admin tools for Microsoft® SQL Server™.
May 1, 2006
First public release of SQLite Data WizardOur company is pleased to present a new product which has underlain the SQLite Administration tools family - SQLite Data Wizard, a powerful utility for managing your SQLite data.