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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / Oracle_maestro

First public release of Oracle Maestro

Nov 7, 2006

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Oracle Maestro is a powerful solution for Oracle database administration and development. It allows you to create, edit, copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as tables, views, database functions, procedures, packages, sequences, synonyms, collections, jobs, users, etc., build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, view and edit data including Blobs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, manage database users and roles and their privileges, and use a lot of other tools designed for the easiest and most efficient work with the Oracle DBMS.

Our product versions are formalized according to the release date: the first figure of the product version stands for the year of release; the second figure of the version is meant to indicate the month of the current version release. Hence, the present version is 6.11. For more information apply to the corresponding news item.

While developing this new software product we tried to include the usable features available in the existing products and provide it with unique functionality. Please consider the short list of Oracle Maestro 6.11 main features below:

  • support for Oracle server versions from 9.x to 10.x including users, views, triggers, functions, procedures, sequences, jobs, synonyms, packages, types, queues, and many more;

  • easy database management: the conception of database profiles gives you an opportunity to connect to databases in one touch and work with the selected databases only;

  • database object management: the application includes a number of convenient wizards and editors;

  • database explorer allows performing all necessary operations upon databases and their objects (creating new database objects, editing existing ones as well as duplicating and renaming objects);

  • user-friendly interface: easy-to-use GUI provided by Oracle Maestro will make your Oracle database management and administration easy and efficient;

  • data can be viewed either as tables or as summary cards;

  • Object Manager and Object Browser permit you to fulfill complex data manipulation tasks irrespective of your personal level of competence in this or that server feature;

  • building and executing queries: Oracle Maestro provides powerful tools which allow you both to edit query text directly with syntax highlighting and code completion and to build a query diagram visually selecting tables and fields, setting links between tables and so on;

  • original security management: a number of powerful editors were implemented to manage users, roles and their privileges in the easiest way. Even if you are not a skilled Oracle administrator you will find no troubles when editing your security policy;

  • powerful BLOB viewer/editor: Oracle Maestro includes an original tool to view and edit the content of the BLOB fields in various representations such as hexadecimal dump, plain text, graphical image or HTML page; graphical representation of BLOB data supports the following image formats: BMP, Windows metafile, JPEG, GIF and PNG;

  • data export module: this module exports data from Oracle tables and queries to files of the 14 most popular formats including MS Excel, MS Access, MS Word, HTML, XML, PDF;

  • data import module: this module imports data to Oracle tables from files of the following formats: MS Excel, MS Access, XML, DBF, TXT and CSV.

The list of features implemented in the software product can be continued. Oracle Maestro allows you, for example, to create a new table in a few mouse clicks, to get SQL dump of your metadata and data (even if you don't have a deep knowledge of syntax), to get a high-quality printable report of your database, to execute any SQL script, to copy a table from one database to another by drag-n-drop operations or by pressing Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V hot key combinations and a lot of other features.

We hope that you will enjoy working with your Oracle server with our new software!

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