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Charles Phillips: "I very much like the program and all of its functionality! Would be happy to give you an endorsement or recommend it to others - saves me a ton of time".
Steve Naidamast: "I just downloaded your new offering of AnySQL Maestro. What a nice product. I was immediately able to connect to an Access database to review the data.

I have already purchased from you your Oracle Maestro as well as your SQLite Maestro.

I am curious as to why you have decided to release such a nice product as Freeware...

Keep up the excellent work".


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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / New Version Format

New Version Format

Sep 1, 2005

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When setting product versions, we have accepted the following principles for version format:

  • the first figure of the product version stands for the year of release;
  • the second figure of the version is meant to indicate the month of the current version release.

For example, MySQL Maestro 5.4 (former version 1.9) indicates that the version was released in April 2005.

Please refer the present news item for checking out whether your current product version is the latest one released.

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