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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / NBA Demo is updated

PHP Generator NBA Demo updated

Jun 18, 2015

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We're pleased to announce the next version of the PHP Generator NBA demo. The aim of the update is to provide live examples for some common user questions as well as to illustrate some new features implemented in the latest versions of the software.

To run the demo on your webserver, you need to download and install PHP Generator for MySQL or higher.

Notable changes:

  • Examples of working with external images have been added. Team and channel logos are now stored in external files. Player images for the "Photo" column on the "Team" | "Roster" detail page come from the NBA website.
  • A couple of links to external websites have been added to the page list.
  • New Autocomplete, Multi-level autocomplete, and Multiple Select editors in Insert/Edit forms.
  • Passwords are now encrypted with the SHA256 algorithm.
  • Customized login page.
  • A new Lightbox component to browse page images.
  • Fresh data: we have updated player info and photos. Games of the 2008-2009 season have been replaced to ones of the 2013-2014 season. Team logos and descriptions have been updated too.

Enter the demo site.

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