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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / MaxDB Data Wizard 6.10 released

First public release of MaxDB Data Wizard

Oct 28, 2006

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We are happy to announce the start of new our product branch - MaxDB Administration Tools Family. The first family product is MaxDB Data Wizard - a powerful utility for managing your MaxDB data.

MaxDB Data Wizard provides you with a number of easy-to-use wizards for performing the required data manipulation easily and quickly. It allows you to generate PHP scripts for the selected tables and queries, convert any ADO-compatible database to the MaxDB database (i.e. any database for which you have an OLE DB Provider or ODBC driver such as MS Access or Microsoft SQL database) with its structure and data, export data from MaxDB tables and queries to most popular formats, and import data into the tables.

Product versions are formalized according to their release dates: the first figure of the product version stands for the year of release; the second figure of the version is meant to indicate the month of the current version release. For more information apply to the corresponding news item. Hence, the present version is 6.10.

While developing the new software product we tried to implement the usable features available in the existing products and provide it with unique functionality. Please consider the short list of MaxDB Data Wizard 6.10 main features below:

  • powerful PHP Generator for creating PHP scripts from tables and queries from different databases; full customization of the HTML pages appearance with some standard HTML templates provided for your convenience; full adjustment of the result script: you can enable/disable record filtering, column ordering, adding/editing/deleting records in the result script and many more;

  • Data Pump Wizard implementation: you can convert any local or remote ADO-compatible database with its structure and data to your database in a few mouse clicks; full customization of the target database and objects: you can create a new database or convert it to the existing one, select objects for conversion and set their properties; adjustable data import from the source tables to the target ones with the ability of viewing and editing the SQL script generated for the database conversion;

  • easy data export operations: MaxDB Data Wizard 6.10 provides a powerful tool for exporting data from tables and queries to any of the 14 available formats: MS Excel, MS Access, MS Word, RTF, HTML, PDF, XML, TXT, DBF, CSV, SYLK, DIF, LaTeX and SQL to different databases with an ability to select fields to be included into the result files and full customization of the result export files: formats, headers/footers, record count, etc. and powerful options for specific customization: full Excel formatting including notes and hyperlinks, RTF formatting, full HTML and PDF appearance adjustment, and more;

  • efficient tools for importing data: MaxDB Data Wizard 6.10 provides a powerful tool for importing data into tables from different databases with the following available formats: MS Excel, MS Access, XML, DBF, TXT and CSV; easy adjustments of the source file columns and the destination table fields and full customization of the import process for each imported file including data formats for all or selected fields, commit options, number of rows to skip and records to import, etc., the ability to define the key columns for the table and select whether to skip, update or delete the records if their keys value match the imported ones;

  • the Shell Application that provides friendly user interface for working with all the implemented wizards: easy-to-use interface provided by the MaxDB Data Wizard will make your work with data fast and highly efficient;

We hope that you will enjoy working with your MaxDB data!

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