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Matt McDawell: "Your practical knowledge & experience, supported by your dedication and hard work set new standards. Taking you into account is the best decision our company has made".
Josh Armstrong: "I absolutely love this software! It will me take our migration time down by an order of magnitude. It has especially helped with my indexing as my database contains many complex ones".
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AnySQL Maestro review has been published
Sep 8, 2008
Tom, the maintainer of, posted a review of AnySQL Maestro in his blog. Actually the review was published on March 18, 2008, but we found it only a few days ago. Better late than never. :-)
"I'm really very very happy with the tool. It's actually somewhat hard to say what I like about it, because it kinda makes itself invisible. I can query my various databases and inspect or use the results without hassle... almost without being aware of the tool I'm using. I think that's what all application developers strive for - to keep things simple but still highly functional. I have seen few applications that achieve that as well as this tool does".
Read full review.