Terry Prank: "At first, I was skeptical as is anyone encountering a new product on the web. I even tried out a couple of the competitors because I figured SQL Maestro Group sounded too good to be true. I soon learned the hard way, nothing I have seen on the market right now compares. Let the results speak. Within the first several hours of operation, I understood that the products are beyond comparison".
Josh Armstrong: "I absolutely love this software! It will me take our migration time down by an order of magnitude. It has especially helped with my indexing as my database contains many complex ones".
This article begins a series of step-by-step tutorials on how we made the NBA demo. It explains how to add new items to the menu, implement run-time theme selection, and tweak the login form.
All editors of AnySQL Maestro provide you with a customizable ability to divide text into logical parts (regions). Each part can be collapsed and extended.